Want to become a Conestoga Gig Marketplace freelancer?

Exclusively for members of the Conestoga College community.

The Conestoga Gig Marketplace is exclusively open to Conestoga students and alumni and, specifically, those who have successfully completed the Gig Lab business incubator for freelancers.

This opportunity is open to:

Apply to the Conestoga
Gig Lab.

The Gig Lab is Canada’s only business incubator for freelance entrepreneurs, helping talented people monetize professional skills.

The program is free to Conestoga students and alumni, but participants are required to apply and space is limited.

Why It's awesome:

Launch your business!

Successful graduates of the Conestoga Gig Lab are invited to launch their business on the Conestoga Gig Marketplace.

We drive potential leads to the site.

Your job is to build an awesome profile and
stay on top of inquiries.

Your job is to:

Conestoga Gigs where everyone is welcome!

We pride ourselves on fostering an environment rooted in the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion.

We demonstrate this commitment by: