My skills and expertise.

Gig Marketplace
Started 2022


Open for clients

Hi, I am Paola!

As a social media marketing specialist, I partner with educational institutions, nonprofits, independent educators, and entrepreneurs to optimize their online presence.

I craft bilingual content in English and Spanish, enabling businesses to engage with diverse audiences and achieve their marketing objectives. Let’s tell your story effectively and elevate your brand together!

My work.

Hola, More than Travels Social Media Post

Astley English College

Mary Ann, Airbnb House

Hola, More than Travels Blog Post Image

Astley English College

Salt and Pepper, Take away

Amby's Chai, Tea Room

Astley English College

Instagram Stories

My clients.


During Paola's time with us, she captured all the institution's needs and styles, producing timely artwork and designs to meet our needs. She worked in the marketing department, maintaining and creating social media posts, brochures, flyers, logo redesigns, and electronic documents. She was also in charge of the website and social media campaigns that positively influenced public opinion and promoted the organization's goals.

Gabriela Proano | Marketing Manager and Administration Officer Astley English College

Paola worked on creating the logo and the menu for the opening of the tea room, developed the brand design in under three weeks, created some templates for our socials, and gave us advice on that as well.

Ambi Thind | Owner | Ambi's Chai Bar

My pricing.

Social Spark Starting at $850

What's included:

Content Crafter Starting at $1300

What's included:

Kick-Starter Pro Starting at $1700

What's included:

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